Strengths of the Life Sciences Ecosystem in Belgium-Wallonia
Strengths of the Life Sciences Ecosystem in Belgium-Wallonia
Wallonia-Belgium has solid expertise and undeniable advantages for the Life Sciences sector.
Wallonia-Belgium has solid expertise and undeniable advantages for the Life Sciences sector. AWEX and BIOWIN, Health Cluster of Wallonia, have gathered these strong points in a complete argument:
“Strengths of the Life-Science Ecosystem in Belgium-Wallonia”
” Wallonia is an exporting region… And among these exports, biotech companies enjoy a prominent place. Indeed ” Products from the chemical and pharmaceutical industries” are by far our leading export sector, with more than 35% of the Walloon total. Pascale DELCOMMINETTE, CEO of Wallonia Export-Investment Agency
” Situated in the heart of Europe, the Belgian region of Wallonia has created a vibrant and innovative ecosystem by equally investing in, and supporting the growth of, scientific excellence and entrepreneurial leadership”
Sylvie PONCHAUT, Managing Director BIOWIN
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